Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First week flying solo…

I survived. In fact, I had a pretty good week. I believe the key to enjoying looking after 3 toddlers is to expect the worst, have very few goals and stay pretty close to home. That being the case, I was able to enjoy the moment (also thanks to the book I am reading – grace a Kerri Lambert – Buddhism for Mothers) and appreciate the kids for all that they are and can be. A stubborn 3-yr old that has NO INTEREST in being potty trained and races to use whatever toy he sees any of his siblings show a glimmer of interest in. Next in level of difficulty to manage, is a very bossy, demanding, vocal, pushy, aggressive mini-me who is a bit of a hoarder (if she were a true bitch she would be the kind of dog to pee on EVERYTHING, marking it as their own). Last in line and always the one to settle with leftovers, is lovely little Pooper (yes, Maddy still calls him this) who is very laid back, he takes abuse with a smile on his face but when he cracks, he cracks. He becomes inconsolable and won’t even let you approach him in an effort to comfort or calm him. No idea where they get these traits from…

We made quite the impression on the neighbourhood though, the 3 kids piled on top of one another in the double chariot, quietly eating snack or sleeping on one another while we went to the local parks, library and even a few trips to the markets and grocery stores.

On Friday, I even got brave and took them to Target for some shopping and the boys got haircuts. Wyatt’s attempt at Australian Shag was more than I could bare and he is too cute with short hair – his eyes stand out and he reminds me of my younger brother Jeff at that age – cute and trouble for it! Cooper got his first cut. Sad to see his big loopy curly combover go, but it was time and he looks like a real little boy now.

Maddy was spared (or should I say, I was spared Maddy's reaction to a haircut). She wouldn’t do well with hair bits on her neck, the dryer blowing on her, or pretty much anyone coming close to her with scissors, a razor, etc…Luckily, she loves her hats (like her mom) which helps me camouflage her bad hair. Check out the hottest wheels in our house at the moment. On a good day they all take turns pushing each other around, in their "finer" moments, Wyatt uses this simple stroller as a weapon of mass destruction or crash test dummy vehicle.

The days are pretty good, but the witching hour is between 5-6 as they are tired of me, I of them, I am trying to prepare dinner with Cooper at my feet calling for “Noodles – Noodles”, just praying that Jeff is on his way home already...

Another lifesaver has been that I have started back on some kind of fitness regime. I started doing a workout tape and went for my first real jog in a while at 6am Tues. morning. After my jog on Tuesday, I met a mom who invited me to join a mother’s running group at a local park so I went out early Thursday morning and met 4 really nice women who have tons of kids between them and lots of advice on great programs in the area. As a result, I have signed Wyatt up for 3-yr kinder Monday afternoons and all of the kids are trying out a program called Socatime Joeys next Thursday morning.

Hope next week goes as well!