Monday, December 22, 2008


After missing the first concert a few days after we arrived in Melbourne, Jeff was on a mission to get us to a Wiggles concert while in Australia. We packed the kids up half asleep after a short nap (not a good start). We underestimated travel time, the traffic, the lack of parking and wound up arriving late, but we made it. The kids were a tad overstimulated by the whole arena full of people, loud music, dim lights, etc... Maddy was pretty interested in naming the characters she knew but they were finishing up her favorite song when we arrived so I was a bit disappointed on her behalf. Cooper did the most dancing, and then there was Wyatt. Wyatt was very excited by the flip-up chairs, especially those that we didn’t have tickets for. He spent more time trying to convince us to let him sit in all different rows, seats, on the steps, in the hall – than he did watching the concert. Overall, I would say they enjoyed the concert and we have the pics to show them when they get older as a rebuttal for the inevitable lament : “You never take us anywhere exciting!”