Friday, October 31, 2008

To Mo or not to Mo....tis the question....

So, the guys at work have convinces me to participate in Movember. What's Movember you ask ? good question. I asked the same can go here for all the gory details:

Basically it's a charity event where men grow mustaches and collect donations in the name of raising awareness of men's health issues. Seems like a good excuse to have a facial hair growing contest.

However, being somewhat facially hair challenged it may prove to be an excersize in just how silly I'm willing to look. I'll try to keep you updated with pictures of my progress...feel free to suggest what style of Mo may suit me best. Here is a list that was circulated at work:

If you would like to donate on my behalf go here:


Vessy said...

I can't wait to see you with Mo. I was wondering for some time from Steve's and Tim's profiles what is Movember, but now I know and think it is a great thing. Post more pics!