Friday, April 3, 2009

Sorry readers...we suck at blogging!

Sorry to our readers... As the year progresses, it seems boring and repetitive to recount our trips to the same beaches, parks and pools, our playdates with our small network of friends, the hard work and long hours that Jeff is putting in and details I can’t remember of the Ultimate that I am playing here.

Here is a quick recap of the past month of so…We recently survived a stint without Catty. We gave her 4 weeks off to travel around Australia (done in an attempt to alleviate the guilt we felt at enticing her to come with us with promises of grand travels that will not come to fruition on this journey)! She enjoyed herself thoroughly, as much as I have enjoyed her return! The 4 weeks were full of action as they saw the arrival of Nan & Pops for just over a week at the end of Feb, and then my brother Andrew and his girlfriend Marianne for a week in March. These visits were enough to keep me sane and the kids had a blast with their adoring visitors!

Otherwise, Jeff has been kind enough to support my Ultimate obsession. I made the A team, and have played at regionals in Ballarat (called the Rat – nothing noteworthy to report other than crappy weather and lush green fields). We placed second to our nemesis “Team Box Atheletico United”. Then last weekend I flew to Sydney to play in a tournament with the New South Wales teams where we placed 4th out of 7 teams after a 3-3 round robin tourney. We will be playing at Nationals April 23-26th in Perth, Western Australia. Training with Honey is not for the weak of heart, nor is it really for a mom of three with a working husband…I am doing my best but I think the family will benefit once Nats are over.

We are still awaiting word about whether or not Jeff’s work can provide enough incentive to keep us here until the end of the project (end of June) or whether we will be able to return home by the end of May to attend Andre and Julie’s wedding…when we know, we will share the info with all of you asap! Otherwise, there are a few cute stories I thought I would share and few events that deserve some attention so read on...