Mel Mac was Merry in Melbourne they say.
But was this normal or an unusual day?
What caused her to be merry, you ask.
A December day with sun in which to bask.
After a morning of fun with her young,
And a nice conversation with Jo that was fun.
She packed up her bag and to ulti did go,
but before that, she ventured to St. Kilda’s row
Where fabulous artists display all their wares
Not charging a fortune, but prices, so fair.
She needed a bag, cause her own was now dying,
Okay, “needed” might actually be considered lying.
In any event, a bag she did find
So happy she was, “This bag is now mine!”
Then off to her training, she happily went
In her flip flops and shorts, an afternoon well spent.
Driving along the esplanade in her beat up van,
Watching kite-surfers racing, and kids in the sand.
As she drove down the road, she tried to remember,
What life back home was like in December.
Snow, slush and sleat, and 3 kids wearing fleece,
Or even the departure of our field crapping geese?
So a smile on her face, knowing this feeling was new,
She thought “I think I like Melbourne. I think that I do.”
So a bit late to the field, she was in a great rush,
She parked the Tarago, then cut through the brush…
Oh no! A cricket game set up on our pitch.
What a pity, would practice be something we ditched?
“Oh no. We won’t cancel, we’ll move the whole gang,
Let’s head to the beach?” The coaches all clanged.
So they ran to the beach, not ten minutes away,
And some drills and a game they all got to play.
Driving home to pick up her favorite Thai food,
Mel relished the continuation of her Merry mood.
To this day, she has come to be fond of this bay,
If her friends and her family were here - she might stay!