Monday, October 27, 2008

Sushi Session with Akiko

Jeff is working with a consultant from Japan named Akiko. She offered to give us a lesson on making sushi - I was VERY excited! After another trip to the Melbourne museum, we picked her up from her serviced apt. in the CBD (she is in Melbourne for one month, then back in Japan for 1 week, and so on...makes it hard to get to know people and feel settled). The whole way over the kids were saying her name and asking about her (they had not yet met her) but of course as soon as she gets into the car, not a peep from any of them! We picked up some supplies and then got down to it.

My technique improved but could never match Akiko's perfectly round sushi rolls! We made 2 full plates of traditional sushi which I am happy to say – did not survive the night! According to Akiko, it is VERY difficult to find fish fresh enough to be used in sushi (especially on a Sunday afternoon) so we used smoked salmon and a minced chicken & ginger concoction I am sure I will not be able to replicate. Cooper and Maddy devoured many pieces of sushi before dinner - they just sat there saying "More sushi" and chowing down. By the end of the evening, Akiko and the kids were great friends. She was amused by Cooper and his erratic movements, as well as Wyatt and his witty banter.

At one point, Wyatt was trying to drive a ride-on Jeep up onto the deck while standing in it (not possible in case you are having a hard time visualising this) and when he fell backwards and groaned, I asked in an exasperated voice “What were you thinking?” and without missing a beat he replied “I was thinking I could ride the jeep up.” DUH! She was impressed he even had a reply. Earlier in the evening, he was storming around the backyard with a toy screwdriver and a toy saw. When asked if he was a good guy or a bad guy he explained “I am a protector. I am protecting everybody from the sharks in the grass. I used my saw but I need to use my screwdriver on the sharks.” But of course young Jedi…